Ecoplant was created thanks to the initiative of a group of Lombard entrepreneurs operating in the ecological sector who, together, want to offer safe, convenient and total solutions to manage waste produced by companies throughout the territory.
Ecoplant intends to achieve this goal thanks to two tools:
A physical structure, the waste storage facility just outside Cremona, able to collect up to 140,000 tons of waste from the craftsmen, farmers and SMEs in Lombardy, in order to identify continuous channels and adequate solutions for its recovery, reuse and disposal, strictly complying with the law, with a strong professional commitment, and closeness and attention to the local territory.
A platform of technical consulting services which aims to support client companies step by step, starting from their production process and operating areas, in order to choose the most functional procedures and suggest the ones most suitable for correctly managing waste. This is also achieved thanks to certified environmental analyses and characterisations, equipment and containers suitable for temporary storage and optimal for collection, entrusting competent and trained transport operators, participating in micro-collection projects.
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